INNODB_LOG_FILE 过于小,会直接触发CHECKPOINT,导致频繁IO请求; 多大是合适的?

: (none) 16:13:13> pager grep sequence               
PAGER set to 'grep sequence'
: (none) 16:13:14>
: (none) 16:13:15>  SHOW engine innodb STATUSG SELECT sleep(60); SHOW engine innodb STATUSG               
Log sequence number 1450 485101299
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

1 row in set (1 min 0.01 sec)

Log sequence number 1450 505024667
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

: (none) 16:14:37> nopager
PAGER set to stdout
: (none) 16:14:43> select (505024667-485101299)/1024/1024;
| (505024667-485101299)/1024/1024 |
|                     19.00040436 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Notice the log sequence number. That’s the total number of bytes written to the transaction log. 我们在高峰期间采样可以得到,1分钟产生19M的日志; 我觉得这个INNODB LOG大小设成 19M*60=1140M 已经足够了; 60分钟是一个经验值, 你也可以适当调大,比如 500M,3个文件 ;这相对来说是安全的; 当然你也可以用以下命令来查看日志产生的大小: show status like ‘Innodb_os_log_written’; select sleep(60); show status like ‘Innodb_os_log_written’;